
Place unziped folder(s) to
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules/
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\FileMaker\Extensions\AddonModules\

TinyMCE: TinyMCE based HTML Editor, prints using the browser. Drop on layout and click the refresh button, read the integration guide under ?-button. For additional instances, drag again from the Add-ons pane, don't duplicate.

Rich Text Editor PDF: Quill based Rich Text Editor, prints using the browser, saves content as pdf to a container. Drop on layout and click the refresh button, read the integration guide under ?-button. For additional instances, drag again from the Add-ons pane, don't duplicate.

Update 2025-02-04 works now in WebDirect too, needs to pass fields as text in the "Hide object when" calc, GetFieldName() triggers WD to reload the page.
Update 2021-06-27 use webviewer to display created pdf (windows >= 19.3.1)
Update 2021-10-14 write checks context now (record primary key), webviewer calc in it's calculation, prevents flashing on cached records.

Month Cal: date picker in iCal style. drop on layout, ungroup object, delete blue dot, redirect the field to your field.

Swiss QR Bill: drop on a helper layout and read the description text for integration.

Value Card: drop on Layout, ungroup object, delete blue dot, configure your values and target field in Let()-statement of the "Hide Object When"-trigger. Key- and value need to be delimited by "||". If you provide just one column, then key and value are the same, the value list will be sorted in order of the provided values. Set _entity to what you want your button-bar label named, i.e "Values" as in the screenshot example.
To have the actual value displayed if just one value is chosen, edit the calculation of the button-bar label.

Magic Value List: drop on Layout, ungroup object, delete blue dot, redirect the field to your field, set your values in Let()-statement of the "OnObjectEnter"-trigger.

Magic Value List Two Column: drop on Layout, ungroup object, delete blue dot, redirect the field(s) to your key-field(s), set your values in Let()-statement of the "Hide Object When"-trigger. Value- and description need to be delimited by "||", if provide just a value no description, the value list will be sorted in order of the provided values.

You need one valuelist definition per simultaneously displayed field. A valuelist consists of a table MVL_ValueListXX, where XX is a distinct number x-bound to table MVL_ValueListLink and a valuelist definition.
3 valuelists are set up, just add more if needed, delete unused.

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